Guidelines for shooting outdoors at Barleylands
When shooting at Barleylands, could we please ask all members to observe the following requests:
- Shooting details - this should be limited to 1 or 2 details (no more) depending on numbers at the field. There is nothing more frustrating than seeing two details clear the line and to then watch one or two archers approach the line with a full quiver of arrows to shoot.
- Field Captain - standard shooting rules require that a Field Captain is appointed at each session, to control the shooting details. If there are more than three targets in use a Field Captain should be nominated to control shooting (ideally with a whistle, but if not a shout and wave will do!). The nominated Field Captain should also control the number of details and time spent looking for lost arrows.
- Lost arrows - we all lose arrows from time to time, but we ask that you limit the duration of your search to the time other archers spend retrieving their own arrows and clear the field when everyone else returns to the shooting line. Your search can resume at the next collection time and if not found, resume your search after all shooting has finished. If you are still missing an arrow, please leave a note in the clubhouse saying which lane you were shooting in and the distance and date. Please remove the note if your arrow is found!
- Coaching - Whether you are Coach or simply helping a fellow archer, time spent on the shooting line should be limited to the pace of those archers who are shooting a round or practising. Please ensure that you clear the shooting line as soon as other members have cleared the line.
Events at Barleylands
There will be general members & junior sessions every Saturday morning during the outdoor season from 9.30am - 12pm .
At various times during the year, there will be Club competitions featuring a variety of rounds. These will be advertised on the website, as well as details being sent to members in most cases. Although members are entitled to shoot at the ground whilst a Club competition is in progress, all shooting will be controlled by whistles or lights. Also, depending on the take up of each competition there may be limited, or no "spare" lanes for non-competitors.
During the year, there will also be some events that close the field to all Archers (e.g. Barleylands events), details of any such events will be notified to all members via the website and by mail.